Monday, February 25, 2008

Flora and I rented a flat with a veranda that has a view of the Atlantic; there is a saying in Portuguese about house guests being like fish - after a few days, things are not so fresh. We are so thankful for my teacher's family's hospitality, yet we felt the need to give his teenage son his
bedroom back; we are having fun in our own place, shopping for local produce, cooking in our tiny kitchen, wearing fewer clothes :)... Flora set up an art studio which can migrate back and forth from the veranda to the breezy living room.

A block from our place, we saw and heard a Samba group playing on the ocean boardwalk, and we went down to check it out. It felt like we were among our people (freaks, that is). Many onlookers simply stood and watched. Flora and I danced uncontrolably, and the women dancers from the group pulled Flora into their circle where she held her own with confidence and ease. A few minutes later, they pulled me into the circle. This place, and its people, seem quite tolerant of 'estrangeiros' who want to stand and observe the culture. Those who want to dive in and participate are welcomed with enthusiasm.

I am still far from being fluent in Portuguese, but every day brings us both an increment closer. A free English class in my teacher's neighborhood starts this week, and we're looking for more ways to plug in and give something of ourselves.

Meanwhile, though this blog is not really the place to go on and on about my favorite pastime, here is a little clip of a "game" at a local gathering.

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