So, I'm getting it...slowly. I'm pausing to feel the temperature of the sun on my skin (thank you Cvita), to listen to the waves, and to be thankful for this luxurious chapter in my life. I'm getting over my fears of speaking this language even though I'm terrible (the Brazilians love you for trying, and, hey, I'm good entertainment for them). And again (see by last blog entry), I am finding joy in the details, like the plethora of tiny, perfectly groomed, white fluffy dogs who stroll along with their Brazilian owners on the "boardwalk," as I call it. Who knew?
Here's a bit about the boardwalk...The boardwalk is where I do much of my people watching and strolling. It is basically a wide sidewalk which runs parallel to the ocean, in between the lovely large white beach and the relatively busy road. It's a block from our home. There are restaurants and bars scattered along it serving fish, hamburgers (very popular here), beer and coconut water (personal favorite) to the throngs of bikini wearing Brazilians lounging in plastic chairs stuck in the sand. There are also the required hippies selling their handmade wears and the frequent rolly cart full of fried bread items or ice cream. It's touristy in a "Brazilians on weekend holiday" kind of way, but not very international. We definitely stand out a bit (not too many gringos with dreadlocks here:)) The boardwalk goes on for miles, is lined with palm trees and hotels, and is hands down the local "strip," the gathering place for droves of teenagers, families, beer drinking buddies, scantily clad joggers and the occasional samba band or soccer game. And, for now, it's our strip too.
A few days ago, we were invited to go on a day long drive with our new English friends who I met in my Portuguese class. They live here now and have invested in property up and down the coast. They were great tour guides as they really knew all the great secret spots, AND they were hilarious, AND they insistented upon giving us beer all day long. We had a blast seeing the A-MAAAZE-ING beaches (see pic below) which surround Joao Pessoa. We also discovered that land here is super cheap, like SUPER cheap...hmmm?

You are beautiful my dear! Take it all in and smile. aaaaah, it's so nice to feel the breeze through you.
Wow....As I sit looking out at the mud left from yesterday's snow in Dallas and preparing to pack our belongings for our upcoming move, I find myself longing to be relaxing without cares or worries on a warm Brazilian beach. It all sounds absolutely wonderful. I am so glad things are going so well for both of you. Much love, Renee
Oh Flora, Flora, Flora, my dear and amazing creatrix of serendipitous live-giving delights! I am back from Costa Rica (hello cashews hanging from trees and mangoes and avocados and pineapple growing from the ground, not a tree!), and am adjusting to Portland. I just read your blogs and have so much to share. I will email you separately, but thought I would comment here to. Way to go, both of you for this wild adventure in life-learning! I can't wait to come and stay on your land, you know, the cheap land that you will buy! Then we'll go to Costa! OK, super-duper love to you both. Dance your asses off! And mine too!
i love the beautiful picture of you two! i'm happy for you finding your groove there, relaxing into it, creating community, learning more about who you are, etc. i love seeing your art too flora!!
much love!
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